Arfe Safe Lost Key

Arfe Safe Lost Key

An unusual Spanish Arfe safe to open in North Wales. We were told they had no key or combination but managed to figure out the combination part from an old note they had. All that remained was to open the double throw key lock which was done by picking the lock so as not to cause any damage to the safe.

Phoenix Hotel Safe Safecracker Chorley

Phoenix Hotel Safe Safecracker Chorley

Safecracking in Chorley when a museum gift shop couldn’t open their Phoenix safe. The opening code is set each time you lock these hotel safes and the last person to set it must have made a mistake. With nobody knowing what code was set we were called to sort it out. The safe was opened without damage allowing them to continue using it although it was advised that this was probably not the best style or security rating for their purposes.

Cock Safe Lost Code

Cock Safe Lost Code

The owner was given the key to this Cock safe when he moved into a new property but was told they never used the combination lock. This wasn’t a problem until somebody mysteriously locked the combination lock and they couldn’t open the safe. We attended and determined the combination to get it open.

Dudley Safe Lost Combination Preston

Dudley Safe Lost Combination Preston

This was the second safe to be opened for a client in Preston (See Here for the other). The combination to the three wheel S&G lock had been lost and we were tasked to get it open for them. Some locks are trickier to discover the combination numbers and this was one that put up a good fight. The three numbers were eventually teased from the lock to get the door open. Once open we found the key to the other safe that we’d already picked open. If only we had known the key was in this one then we could have opened this one first.

Safecracker manipulating a combination lock