SMP Safe Failed Digital Lock Safecracker Altrincham

SMP Safe Failed Digital Lock Safecracker Altrincham

We were called to assist with an SMP safe in Altrincham when the digital lock failed, leaving the owners unable to gain access. Despite trying replacement keypads, our diagnostics revealed that the lock itself had completely failed and would not open easily. After a challenging process and significant effort, we successfully opened the safe. Once open, we carried out the necessary repairs and installed a replacement lock to ensure the safe was fully operational again. Another professional service delivered in Altrincham!

SMP Wessex Safe Lost Keys Manchester

SMP Wessex Safe Lost Keys Manchester

Safecracker in Manchester. The key to this SMP Wessex safe could not be located by the executor of a deceased estate so we were called to open it for them. The lock was picked open so as not to cause any damage to the safe whilst giving them access to the contents. If you need a safecracker in Manchester then please give us a call.

SMP Community III Safe Lost Combination

SMP Community III Safe Lost Combination

SMP Community grade 3 safe with lost combination opened in a currency exchange office in Skelmersdale. Another example of a nondestructive entry using highly specialised and expensive tools. We invest heavily in the latest equipment and training to provide you with the best possible service. If you need a professional safecracker then please get in touch.