A couple moving into a new house in Aintree found this Crado Hideaway safe. It was locked and they had not been left the combination so they called us to help. We was able to manipulate the 3 combination dials to reveal the secret code to open it for them. Safecracking in Aintree, it’s what we do!
Crado Devices Ltd.
Crado Hideaway Safecracker Blackpool
I love it when a plan comes together! I bought one of these Crado Hideaway safes five years ago to learn how they work in anticipation of having to open one for a client and today was the day. This distinctive safe with three combination wheels was manipulated to reveal the correct code and then reset to all zeros for the customer to set his own numbers. It might have only taken me 10 minutes on site today but this opening took 5 years of preparation and planning.
Crado Hideaway Under Floor Safe Opening
The Crado Hideaway is a rather unique under floor safe which has three separate dials which can be independently set to a number ranging from zero to nineteen. Each dial must be set correctly in order to retract the boltwork and allow the lid to be opened. The safe was made by Crado Devices Limited which were a London based company incorporated in 1975 but who unfortunately went into liquidation in 1981.
Although we were aware of this safe we haven’t to date been tasked with opening one so when this unit came up for sale we just had to have it out of professional curiosity. Safe engineers are a rather strange breed, we just love to tinker and see how things work so when this arrived in the workshop we were all over it like kids at Christmas. It didn’t take us long to set a random combination and open it using existing knowledge and techniques but it was still a great pleasure to finally see exactly how they work and to ultimately be able to use that knowledge to open them non-destructively.
So if you have a Crado Hideaway safe that you require opening then please do get in touch as it would be a pleasure to be able to open it for you.