The keys to this German Burg Wachter safe in a house in Leigh, Greater Manchester had been lost and the important documents and medication inside were needed quickly. It was decided to drill this one open due to the urgency and the customer did not require the safe returning to service.
Lost Safe Keys
Dudley Key Locking Safe Opening
The key to this Dudley deposit safe in a mini supermarket in St. Helens had been lost. We picked open the lock and found the key had been accidentally deposited inside.
Unbranded Key Locking Safe Opening
The keys to this safe in Skelmersdale had been lost. We picked open the 9 lever safe lock to ensure no damage to the delicate contents. In this instance the customer was disposing of the safe so there was no requirement to return it to service.
Yale Digital Safe Opening
The code to this Yale digital safe had been forgotten and the owner could not find the key. Having opened the safe non-destructively we found the keys locked safely inside. The code was changed and the safe returned to service.
Phoenix 1150 Series Key Locking Safe Opening
The keys to this Phoenix safe in Liverpool had been lost. We were able to pick the 8 Lever VDS Class 1 lock to open it without any damage. The lever pack was swapped to prevent the original keys from operating the lock and new keys were supplied.
Power Master Digital Safe Opening
The batteries on this digital safe in Aughton were flat and the keys had been lost. We opened it without any damage and returned it to service.
Unbranded Digital Safe Opening
The batteries on this digital safe in a coffee shop in Wigan were flat and the keys had been lost. We opened it without any damage and returned it to service.